Legal Notice

General Information

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This site has been edited by:
Banque Richelieu Monaco
Monegasque public limited company with a capital of 27.400.000 euros
Tel : +377 92 16 55 55
Head Office : 8, avenue de Grande-Bretagne – 98000 Monaco
Registration with the Monaco Commercial and Companies Registry under number 96 S 03147
Intra-Community VAT Number: FR44 000 038 843

The Publication’s Manager is Mr. Thomas Lhuillier in his capacity as General Manager.
The design, development and maintenance are provided by Agence SAND.

Hosting is provided by : 
Cognix Systems  from OVH Platform
RCS Roubaix-Tourcoing B 424 761 419
Head Office : 140 Quai du Sartel
59100 ROUBAIX – France 

Banque Richelieu Monaco is a credit institution, providing investment services under Monegasque law, authorised and controlled by the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (ACPR, 61 rue Taitbout 75436 Paris Cedex 09) and supervised by the Financial Markets Regulator (AMF, 17, place de la Bourse – 75082 Paris Cedex 02), under the supervision of the European Central Bank (ECB), to conduct any banking transactions, as well as the acceptance, communication and enforcement of orders on behalf of third parties, to management portfolios on behalf of third parties, and investment custody account-keeping.

Objective of the site

This website intends to provide surfers with information on the products and services offered by Banque Richelieu Monaco. It also helps Banque Richelieu Monaco customers check accounts and the bank’s partners access certain figures. This website is for advisory purposes only, and thus you cannot conduct any kind of transaction.
The availability of information on this website does not amount to :

  • A service or product range,
  • A proposal or incentive for an investment or arbitrage of financial securities,
  • Any solicitation for the purchase or sale of financial securities or other investment product,
  • A recommendation, or
  • A contractual element.

Any use of this website amounts to unconditional acceptance by all surfers, customers and partners, of the provisions contained in these legal notices.


Certain statutes prohibit the distribution of and access to this website, or the use of collected data. Please make sure you are lawfully authorised to log into this website in the country (State) where the login takes place.

In addition, access to products and services described in this website may be prohibited for certain people in certain countries (States). Certain products or services advertised on this website may only be ordered in States where their marketing and promotion are authorised. Therefore, we advise you to make sure that you are legally authorised to potentially order the products and services advertised on this website.

Site access Conditions

Users of this site acknowledge that they have the skills and resources needed to access and use the website.

Banque Richelieu Monaco shall not be held liable for any elements outside its control and any damage potentially sustained by the user’s technical facilities and especially their computers, software, network equipment and any other material used to access or use the service and/or the information.

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Content of the site

Banque Richelieu reserves the right to correct the content of this website at any time and without any prior notice. Banque Richelieu Monaco shall not be held liable in the event of any delay, error or omission in terms of the content of these pages, or in case of disruption or unavailability of the service.

Even though the information posted on the website has been provided in good faith and/or by trustworthy sources, Banque Richelieu Monaco does not guarantee its accuracy, comprehensiveness, relevance or reliability, particularly taking to account terms for update, handling and checks. It is subject to modification at any time and without prior notice.

The user must check the accuracy of this information and use it while keeping a critical eye. In this respect, Banque Richelieu Monaco may not be held liable for any decision based on any information contained in this website, or for its potential use by third parties.

If the user holds an open bank account in Banque Richelieu Monaco’s books, the latter may under no circumstance be held liable for any delay in the update of balances, positions and statements or portfolios, this information being approximate.

Banque Richelieu Monaco shall circulate information (or financial data) on their website, whose distribution rights have been granted by datafeed suppliers. Said information is protected by copyright laws. Any modification, publication, redistribution or reproductions of said information in order to provide them to a third party is strictly prohibited. Any reproduction or generally speaking any unauthorised use of information shall result in the user’s liability.

Banque Richelieu Monaco, as well as datafeed suppliers must strive to ensure the accuracy and update of information, but do not guarantee the absence of error, quality, availability, comprehensiveness or timing in any way.


The user must pay attention to the following warnings :

The information on the website, particularly regarding financial instruments, shall not be construed as a solicitation, offer or recommendation to purchase or sale, or any encouragement to make any kind of investment. Any past performance shall under no circumstances be construed as future performance and may fluctuate over time. In addition, no element on the website shall amount to financial, legal, tax or other type of advice or be used as grounds for an investment or other type of decision. We recommend you to obtain professional advice before taking an investment decision and to conduct any relevant checks. The Bank shall not be held liable for any use of said information which does not conform to these rules.

Dispute resolution

Our Institution always endeavours to provide the finest service quality. However, difficulties may be encountered while operating your account or in the use of the available services. In order to solve any disputes, three successive levels of remedies are offered to you, which are specified on our website.

Intellectual property

Banque Richelieu Monaco owns and/or is authorised to exercise all rights over all the elements contained in this website, especially data, drawings, graphs, photos and documents, as well as databases and software. Any reproduction, representation, distribution or redistribution, of the content of this website, in whole or in part, by whatever method, without the previous express authorisation of Banque Richelieu Monaco is prohibited, and shall amount to counterfeit, which is punished under Article L. 335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

Hypertext links and viruses

Banque Richelieu Monaco shall not be held liable for a website not edited by Banque Richelieu Monaco (hereinafter, the “third-party site(s)”) which the user may access via this website; Banque Richelieu having no control over the content of such third-party sites. In no event shall Banque Richelieu Monaco be held liable for the unavailability of third-party sites, their content, advertisements or other available elements. Banque Richelieu shall not be held liable for any hyperlinks to this website; provided, however, that any link to this website must be previously authorised in writing by Banque Richelieu Monaco. The user must take any necessary precautions and make sure that the selected third-party website has no viruses or any other destructive component.


This website is governed by Monegasque law and any litigation shall be subject to the jurisdiction of competent appellate courts in Monaco.

Personal data protection


Deposit and Resolution Guarantee Fund (DRGF)

Banque Richelieu Monaco adheres to the DRGF created under French law in June 25th 1999, which provides compensation to depositors and investors for their securities and deposits in the event of bankruptcy of their banking institution or financial and unavailability of their assets.

The Deposit Guarantee indemnifies the depositor under the conditions laid down by the regulations, in particular as regards the nature and amount of the covered deposits and the depositor’s definition, within the limit of a ceiling of 100.000 (one hundred thousand) euros per depositor and under subject to specific conditions.

The securities Guarantee covers the securities per investor in the conditions fixed by regulations, within the limits of a ceiling of 70.000 (seventy thousand) euros.

The sureties Guarantee covers the obligations of bonds issued obligatorily by a banking or financial institution in favor of professionals unders conditions of the ceiling and franchise envisaged by regulation.

We invite you to download the attached information leaflet and to consult the Deposit and Resolution Guarantee Fund (DRGF) for more information:

Download the documentation (

La réglementation Common Reporting Standard (CRS)

Common Reporting Standard (CRS) est une norme élaborée par l’OCDE en 2014 d’échange automatique d’information entre pays partenaires à des fins de lutte contre l’évasion fiscale. Elle s’applique à chaque pays engagé dans le CRS et l’ayant transposé dans son droit local.

La France fait partie de la première vague de pays participants, appelés « pays primo-adoptants ». Cette liste de pays est complétée régulièrement par de nouveaux pays signataires (liste des pays engagés dans le CRS disponible via le lien suivant :

CRS impose aux Institutions Financières (FIs) déclarantes localisées dans un pays engagé dans le CRS d’identifier les clients non-résidents et de les déclarer à leurs administrations fiscales locales.

Soucieuse de favoriser la transparence fiscale, Banque Richelieu France s’est mis en conformité avec la réglementation CRS dès l’entrée en vigueur des textes.

La mise en oeuvre de l’échange automatique d’informations repose sur l’action combinée :

  • Des clients titulaires de comptes qui doivent déclarer, à l’entrée en relation et en cas de changement, leur résidence fiscale pour déterminer s’ils sont considérés ou non comme des « non-résidents » via une auto-certification,
  • De la Banque qui doit déclarer annuellement à l’autorité fiscale française (FISC) les clients « non-résidents », les soldes de leurs comptes et les revenus financiers qui leur ont été payés dans l’année,
  • Du FISC français qui transmet ces informations aux autorités fiscales du pays de résidence fiscale du client qui fait l’objet de cette déclaration.

Les clients qui ne fourniraient pas les documents requis par le CRS seront déclarés comme « non documentés » auprès de leur administration fiscale locale et s’exposeraient le cas échéant aux sanctions prévues par le droit local.

La réglementation FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act)

FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) est une réglementation extraterritoriale américaine en vigueur depuis le 1er juillet 2014 visant à identifier et déclarer les contribuables américains auprès de l’administration fiscale américaine.

La réglementation FATCA est extraterritoriale : elle s’applique en dehors des Etats-Unis à un large périmètre d’institutions financières comprenant des banques mais aussi des fonds d’investissement, des gestionnaires d’actifs et des compagnies d’assurance-vie. Ces dernières doivent identifier les personnes américaines et les déclarer annuellement à l’autorité fiscale américaine, l’IRS (Internal Revenue Service), pour permettre le recoupement automatisé avec leurs déclarations fiscales individuelles.

Les obligations contenues dans la réglementation dépendent du pays dans lequel l’institution financière est localisée.

Pour réduire les charges déclaratives locales, plus de 100 pays (dont la France) ont signé ou se sont engagés à signer un accord bilatéral (« Intergovernmental Agreement » – IGA) qui permet à leurs institutions financières d’appliquer les règles locales et d’être en relation avec leurs autorités locales.

Les autres institutions financières, situées dans les pays qui n’ont pas signé d’accord, comme la Russie, Monaco ou la plupart des pays d’Afrique appliquent l’ensemble des règles FATCA, appelées Final Regulations, et sont en relation directe avec l’IRS.

Le refus, par les intermédiaires financiers non-américains ou les clients, de respecter ces obligations est sanctionné par l’application à leur encontre d’une retenue à la source de 30% sur certains revenus de source US.

Banque Richelieu France s’est mis en conformité avec la réglementation FATCA dès l’entrée en vigueur des textes.

Afin d’être en conformité avec la loi américaine, Banque Richelieu France se rapproche de ses clients, personnes physiques ou morales, qui pourraient être concernés par la réglementation FATCA, en :

  • Collectant à l’entrée en relation des informations justifiant de leur situation au regard de FATCA. Si le client est un contribuable américain ou est enregistrée aux US, il devra transmettre un formulaire fiscal US dûment complété, et dans certains cas l’autorisation de levée du secret bancaire. Les clients ne présentant pas d’indice d’américanité doivent remplir selon les cas une auto-certification justifiant leur résidence fiscale, un formulaire US ou transmettre toutes les informations utiles justifiant leur résidence.
  • En cas de changement de situation et en présence d’un indice d’américanité, le client devra transmettre une nouvelle documentation pour être en conformité à FATCA.

En cas d’absence de réponse, le client s’expose à une retenue forfaitaire de 30% sur certains de ses revenus de source américaine.

Les contribuables américains seront déclarés annuellement auprès de l’IRS. Les déclarations transmises par Banque Richelieu France incluent notamment des informations sur l’identification de ces clients, le solde de leurs comptes, les revenus financiers, et les produits bruts de cession